Alameda Dr. Carlos D'Assumpcao, No. 398, Edificio CNAC, 4 Andar, Macau
(853) 2870 0883

Refundable Hospital Cash Plan – Deluxe


Given the enduring popularity of the Refundable Hospital Cash series, we are pleased to introduce the third product, Refundable Hospital Cash Plan – Deluxe. This deluxe plan offers enhanced protection and savings features, including expanded coverage amounts and a 15-year option with an additional 8% refund on top of the premiums paid upon maturity. Moreover, it provides the full Daily Hospital Cash Benefit for admissions to any Grade 3A hospital in the Greater Bay Area.

You will not only enjoy financial protection in case of hospitalisation but also receive 100% or 108% of the premiums paid, regardless of any claims made, according to the selected term upon maturity under the Plan. This ensures peace of mind and heightens security for your future.

1. Complete refund of premiums paid

2. Double benefits for ICU treatment

3. Fixed premiums for easy budgeting

4. Medical exams not required for application

5. Full benefit for hospitalisation in the GBA

Cash benefit options for your choosing

The Plan offers 10-year and 15-year coverage options with selectable amounts for the Daily Hospital Cash Benefit, covering for up to 500 days of hospitalisation. 

Full benefit for hospitalisation in GBA

We have increased the Daily Hospital Cash Benefit from 50% to 100% for admissions to any Grade 3A hospital in the Greater Bay Area in China, ensuring you are better prepared for future uncertainties.


Complete refund of premiums paid

You will receive a 100% refund of the premiums paid for your 10-year plan and an even higher refund of 108% of the premiums paid for your 15-year plan upon maturity, regardless of claims made within the coverage period. This effectively turns your premiums into savings while you enjoy the medical coverage during the policy term.


Additional benefit for ICU treatment

The ICU confinement benefit is 150% of the Daily Hospital Cash Benefit, covering up to 45 days of hospitalisation.


Extra benefit for hospitalisation due to accident

We have introduced the Accident Hospitalisation Benefit, providing an additional 3-day Daily Hospital Cash Benefit for hospitalisation due to an accident. One claim is permitted per accident, with a maximum of three claims allowed throughout the coverage period.   


Simple application procedure

You can easily apply for coverage without taking any medical exams.


Fixed premiums for easy budgeting

The Plan is available to anyone from birth up to 60 years old, with the premiums remaining unchanged within the coverage period, alleviating concerns about potential premium adjustments.

Unless otherwise required by applicable law, the Plan does not cover claims caused directly or indirectly, or wholly or partly, by any of the following:


  1. Hospitalisation or fees resulting from a pre-existing medical condition or symptom in the five years before, or within 30 days from, the policy’s issue date, endorsement date, or reinstatement date, whichever is the latest;

  2. Any pre-existing medical condition or complications arising from it;

  3. Suicide or self-inflicted injuries on the part of the insured, whether sane or insane;

  4. Participation in declared or undeclared war or any act thereof, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil commotion, riot, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or coup actions, or any warlike operation, and/or any medical accident that happens in an area declared relevant to the occurrence of any of the aforementioned actions; service in armed forces in the time of declared or undeclared war or while under orders for warlike operations or restoration of public order; violation or attempted violation of the law, resistance to arrest or participation in any brawl or affray;

  5. Engaging in or taking part in (a) driving or riding in any race; (b) any professional sport; (c) any underwater activity involving the use of breathing apparatus; (d) flying or any other aerial activity, except as a fare-paying passenger in a commercial aircraft;

  6. Injury or illness sustained as a result of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs; Any treatment related to addiction to drugs or alcohol;

  7. Any routine physical examination, health check-up or test, rest cure, sanatorium care, vaccination, immunisation injection, preventive medication or any non-medically necessary treatment;

  8. Dental care, any eye examination, dentures, glasses, hearing aids or the fitting of any thereof, cosmetic surgery, or plastic surgery, except when such treatment or care is necessary for the cure or alleviation of injury to the insured;

  9. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (except when such infection occurs through an accidental cut or wound) and/or any HIV-related illness including the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and/or any complication thereof; any venereal disease, sexually transmitted disease, infertility, sterilization, psychiatric treatment; any neurological disorder or disease, including but not limited to anorexia nervosa, anxiety, depression, mania, neurosis, paranoia, psychosis, mental disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorder; any congenital anomaly or defect that shows symptoms or is diagnosed before the insured turns 14;

  10. Childbirth, pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, infertility, contraception by surgical, mechanical, or chemical methods, or any treatment related to infertility;

  11. Any treatment or surgery for tonsils, adenoids, or hernias, except when such procedures occur after the policy has been in force for 120 days. 


The information above is for reference only. For specific terms and conditions, please refer to the policy.

Luen Fung Hang Life Limited

Alameda Dr. Carlos D'Assumpcao, No. 398, Edificio CNAC, 4º Andar, Macau

Tel. no.: (853) 2870 0883

Fax no.: (853) 2870 0881

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